Social Intelligence Internet Course


Social intelligence course is a self-administered, multi-media internet course consisting of ten hours of content. We recommend you take the 42 short sessions over an 8-week span. The sessions consist of 5-15 minute lesson videos, whiteboard animation videos (encouraging trying new ways of interacting with the world), self-reflection questions, and other interactive activities. All answers you submit during the course are anonymous.

The course is intended for individuals 13 years and older.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, the learner should have a better understanding of:

  • How to connect with other people
  • That we are biased against people who are different from us
  • Why it is so difficult to change
  • What a healthy relationships – what it feels like to love and be loved
  • How to raise emotionally and socially healthy children
  • Why we treat some people as humans, and other people as objects
  • How most behavior is unintentional because 95% of what humans think, say, and do is unconscious
  • That seeing the world with greater clarity, and responding to it in a kinder, more intelligence way, is a choice we make every day

This knowledge helps individuals more successfully navigate the world around them, and make focused, intentional decisions about our thinking and behavior.